Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs
Usage presentation: 

Les verbes courants ont des synonymes créés à partir d'un autre verbe et d'une post-position qui modifie parfois totalement le sens initial.

Il n'y a pas de traduction évidente de l'expression "phrasal verb", l'expression anglaise est conservée dans les explications en français

Automate type: 
Learned language: 
Lesson level: 
Rules and exceptions: 
Phrasal verbs

La seule règle est qu'ils doivent être appris.

Abreviations utilisées dans les exercices :


  • sby : somebody
  • smo : someone
  • sth : something

Françaises :

  • qqch : quelque chose
  • qqun : quelqu'un
Regular items: 

inviter qqun à la maison%to ask smo over%to invite to one's home
ramener qqun%to bring sby back%to return sby
rappeler qqun%to call sby back%to return a phone call
demander de l'aide à qqun%to call sby in%to ask sby for help
appeler qqun%to call sby up%to phone
abandonner(#precision=quitter)%to give sth up%to quit
entrer%to come in%to enter
comprendre qqun%to figure sby out%to understand sby
comprendre qqch%to figure sth out%to understand sth
éclairer%to light up%to illuminate
essayer(#syno=tester)%to try out%to test
arrêter qqch%to turn sth off%to stop
démarrer qqch%to turn sth on%to start
augmenter le volume%to turn sth up%to raise the volume
éteindre qqch%to blow sth out%to stop burning
faire exploser qqch%to blow sth up%to make sth explode
exploser%to blow up%to explode
tomber en panne%to break down%to stop functioning
élever qqun%to bring sby up%to raise sby
retourner qqch%to bring sth back%to return sth
porter attention à qqch%to bring sth up%to bring attention to
bruler complètement%to burn sth down%to burn completely
s'expliquer%to clear up%to become clear
accompagner%to come along%to accompany
laver complétement%to clean sby up%to clean sby completely
nettoyer qqch complètement%to clean sth up%to clean sth completely
clarifier qqch%to clear sth up%to clarify
fermer(#precision=une activité)%to close down%to stop operating
contraindre à l'arrêt%to close sth down%to close sth by force
arriver(#syno=se produire)%to come about%to happen
se détacher%to come off%to become unattached
apparaître%to come out%to appear
se produire(#precision=arriver)%to come up%to arise
couvrir qqun complètement%to cover sby up%to cover sby completely
couvrir qqch complètement%to cover sth up%to cover sth completely
tirer un trait sur qqch%to cross sth out%to draw a line throught
refaire qqch%to do sth over%to do sth again
boire complètement%to drink sth up%to drink completely
prendre la place de qqun%to drop sby off%to take sby place
prendre la place de qqch%to drop sth off%to take sth place
vider complètement%to empty sth out%to empty completely
monter qqch%to establish sth%to set sth up
remplir un formulaire%to fill sth in%to complete with information
remplir un formulaire%to fill sth out%to complete a form
apprendre qqch%to find sth out%to learn information
retourner qqch(#precision=rendre)%to give sth back%to return sth
soumettre qqch%to hand sth in%to submit work
distribuer%to hand sth out%to distribute
porter qqch de très lourd%to heave%to lift something very heavy
aider qqun%to help sby out%to assist
éviter qqun%to keep smo away%to cause to stay at distance from smo
éviter qqch%to keep sth away%to cause to stay at distance from sth
de ne pas enlever qc%to keep sth on%to not remove sth
licencier qqun%to lay sby off%to end employment
laisser qc sur%to leave sth on%to not remove sth
omettre%to leave sth out%to omit
décevoir sb%to let sby down%to disappoint sby
permettre d'entrer%to let sby in%to allow to enter
permettre de quitter%to let sby off%to allow to leave
examiner qqun%to look sby over%to examine sby
examiner qch%to look sth over%to examine sth
essayer de trouver%to look sth up%to try to find
créer%to make sth up%to create
sauter qqun%to pass sby over%to skip
se passer de qqun%to pass sby up%to decide not to use
donner à%to pass sth on%to give to
distribuer qch%to pass sth out%to distribute sth
sauter qqch%to pass sth over%to skip
décider de ne pas utiliser%to pass sth up%to decide not to use
rembourser qqun%to pay sby back%to repay sby
rembourser de qch%to pay sth back%to repay sth
sélectionner qqun%to pick sby out%to select sby
élever qqun%to pick sby up%to lift
sélectionner qqch%to pick sth out%to select sth
obtenir qqch%to pick sth up%to get
élever qqch%to pick sth up%to lift
signaler qqun%to point sby out%to indicate
signaler qqch%to point sth out%to indicate
lâcher qqun%to put sby down%to stop holding
ranger qqch%to put sth away%to put in an appropriate place
remettre qqch%to put sth back%to return sth to its original place
lâcher qqch%to put sth down%to stop holding
reporter qqch%to put sth off%to postpone
se couvrir avec qqch%to put sth on%to cover the body with sth
assembler%to put sth together%to assemble
dresser(#syno=ériger)%to put sth up%to erect
abandonner(#syno=quitter)%to quit%to abandon
préparer qqch%to set sth up%to prepare sth for use
stopper qqch%to shut sth off%to stop sth operating
déblatérer(#precision=vomir)%to spew%to speak too much
recommencer qqch%to start sth over%to start sth again
mettre de l'orde(#syno=ranger)%to straighten sth up%to make sth neat
allumer%to switch on%to start
décoller%to take off%to remove
reconduire qqun%to take sby back%to return
détruire qqch%to take sth down%to destroy
convaincre%to talk into%to persuade
discuter%to talk over%to discuss
détruire%to tear sth down%to destroy
arracher qqch%to tear sth off%to remove by tearing
mettre en morceaux%to tear sth up%to tear into small pieces
considérer%to think over%to consider
inventer%to think up%to invent
se débarrasser(#syno=jeter au rebut)%to throw away%to discard
se débarrasser(#syno=jeter dehors)%to throw out%to discard
rejeter qqun(#syno=écarter qqun)%to turn sby down%to reject
rebuter%to turn sby off%to destroy interest
baisser le volume%to turn sth down%to lower the volume
rejeter qqch%to turn sth down%to reject sth
soumettre%to turn sth in%to submit
modifier la forme de qqch%to turn sth into%to change from one form to another
réveiller qqun%to wake sby up%to awake sby
résoudre qqch%to work sth out%to solve sth
noter(#precision=mettre par écrit)%to write sth down%to write
mettre à jour%to write sth up%to write
consummer totalement%to use sth up%to consume sth

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Column type: 
Phrasal verbs(en)
Text widget: 
insert text
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