Pretérito y participio pasado

Pretérito y participio pasado
Usage presentation: 

Pretérito se utiliza para hablar de los acontecimientos pasados
Pretérito y el participio pasado se establecen siguiendo una regla principal, algunas reglas y excepciones para memorizar específicos.

Automate type: 
Learned language: 
Lesson level: 
Rules and exceptions: 
Regular pretérito y el participio pasado


  • Pretérito se forma a partir infinitiv forma + ed
  • Participio pasado se forma a partir infinitiv forma + ed

Verbos irregulares no siguen ninguna regla. Tienen que aprender.

Regular items: 

ver% to look% looked% looked
amar(#precision=amour)% to love% loved% loved
apoyar% to help% helped% helped
gustar(#syno=apprécier)% to like% liked% liked
recordar% to remember% remembered% remembered

Exception items: 
#weight=0 ser%to be% was:were% been convertirse en%to become% became% become traer%to bring% brought% brought hacer%to make% made% made dibujar%to draw% drew% drawn beber%to drink% drank% drunk comer%to eat% ate% eaten dormir%to sleep% slept% slept pensar%to think% thought% thought encoger%to shrink% shrank% shrunk decir%to say% said% said decir%to tell% told% told tener%to have% had% had alimentar%to feed% fed% fed comprender%to understand% understood% understood ver%to see% saw% seen ir%to go% went% gone satisfacer%to meet% met% met escuchar%to hear% heard% heard ejecutar%to run% ran% run hablar%to speak% spoke% spoken conseguir%to get% got% got(#precision=gotten usa) #weight=1 apoyar%to bear% bore% borne llegar%to befall% befell% befallen quemar%to burn% burnt% burnt encontrar%to find% found% found coger%to catch% caught% caught venir%to come% came% come cortar%to cut% cut% cut hacer%to do% did% done vivir%to dwell% dwelt% dwelt caer%to fall% fell% fallen perdonar%to forgive% forgave% forgiven crecer%to grow% grew% grown daño%to hurt% hurt% hurt mantener%to keep% kept% kept conducir%to lead% led% led buscar%to lean% leant% leant salir mal%to mistake% mistook% mistaken lugar%to put% put% put búsqueda%to seek% sought% sought establecer%to set% set% set tirar%to sling% slung% slung tirar%to throw% threw% thrown desgaste%to wear% wore% worn cantar%to sing% sang% sung morder%to bite% bit% bitten llevar%to drive% drove% driven barrido%to sweep% swept% swept elevar%to breed% bred% bred sentir%to feel% felt% felt despertar%to awake% awoke% awoken despertar%to wake% woke% woken implicar%to mean% meant% meant hasta%to arise% arose% arisen volar%to fly% flew% flown costo%to cost% cost% cost comprar%to buy% bought% bought saltar%to leap% leapt% leapt nadar%to swim% swam% swum sueño%to dream% dreamt% dreamt brillar%to shine% shone% shone permitir%to let% let% let apostar%to bet% bet% bet cerrar%to shut% shut% shut volar(#syno=robar)%to steal% stole% stolen atreverse%to dare% dared:durst% dared #weight=2 crecer%to grow% grew% grown vencer%to beat% beat% beaten sangrar%to bleed% bled% bled escapar%to flee% fled% fled tirar violentamente%to fling% flung% flung cargar%to lade% laded% laden sacudir%to shake% shook% shaken disparar%to shoot% shot% shot deslizar%to slide% slid% slid sentir%to smell% smelt% smelt sembrar%to sow% sowed% sown pegar%to stick% stuck% stuck esforzarse%to strive% strove% striven sudar%to sweat% sweat% sweat columpio%to swing% swung% swung marcha atrás%to upset% upset% upset retirar%to withdraw% withdrew% withdrawn abandonar%to forsake% forsook% forsaken deletrear%to spell% spelt% spelt cortar%to shear% sheared% shorn doblar%to bend% bent% bent arrastrarse%to creep% crept% crept subir%to heave% hove% hove subir%to rise% rose% risen ir rápido%to speed% sped% sped estar sentado%to sit% sat% sat estar%to stand% stood% stood orar%to beseech% besought% besought inmersión%to dive% dove% dived caminando%to stride% strode% stridden #weight=3 prohibir%to forbid% forbade% forbidden golpeado(#syno= alcanzando)%to hit% hit% hit golpear%to strike% struck% struck comenzar(#syno= empezar)%to begin% began% begun contemplar%to behold% beheld% beheld privar%to bereave% bereft% bereft enlace%to bind% bound% bound susurrar%to blow% blew% blown transmitir%to broadcast% broadcast% broadcast romper%to burst% burst% burst regaño%to chide% chid% chidden adherirse%to cling% clung% clung abstenerse%to forbear% forbore% forborne predecir%to forecast% forecast% forecast dar%to give% gave% given colgar%to hang% hanged% hanged permanecer%to hang% hung% hung deje%to leave% left% left ser extendido%to lie% lay% lain luz%to light% lit% lit detener%to quit% quit% quit sonido%to ring% rang% rung aserradura%to saw% sawed% sawn pagar%to shed% shed% shed dividido%to slit% slit% slit derrocar(#syno= se extendió)%to spill% spilt% spilt escupir%to spit% spat% spat difundir%to spread% spread% spread recoger%to sting% stung% stung rasgar%to tear% tore% torn derrotar%to undo% undid% undone tejer%to weave% wove% woven resistir a%to withstand% withstood% withstood cantar%to crow% crew% crowed prosperar%to thrive% throve% thriven jurar%to swear% swore% sworn educar%to teach% taught% taught arrodillarse%to kneel% knelt% knelt hacer una oferta%to bid% bid% bid luchar%to fight% fought% fought venta%to sell% sold% sold hedor%to stink% stank% stunk montar%to ride% rode% ridden #weight=4 dividido%to cleave% clove:cleft% cloven:cleft moler%to grind% ground% ground un golpe%to smite% smote% smitten causar%to beget% begot% begotten orden(#precision=recuerde)%to bespeak% bespoke% bespoken marrón%to gild% gilt% gilt ceñir%to gird% girt% girt hackear%to hew% hewed% hewn tejido de punto%to knit% knit% knit borrar%to rid% rid% rid hervir%to seethe% sod% sodden zapato%to shoe% shod% shod lacerar%to shred% shred% shred girar%to spin% span% spun dividido%to split% split% split estropear(#precision=arruinar)%to spoil% spoilt% spoilt esparcir%to strew% strewed% strewn tierno%to string% strung% strung hincharse%to swell% swelled% swollen empujar%to thrust% thrust% thrust pisotear%to tread% trod% trodden acabar%to wind% wound% wound twist%to wring% wrung% wrung confesar%to shrive% shrove% shriven cortar%to mow% mowed% mown ir furtivamente%to slink% slunk% slunk puntada%to sew% sewed% sewn pagar%to pay% paid% paid poner completamente%to lay% laid% laid masacre%to slay% slew% slain
Los verbos que terminan en y

Para los verbos que terminan en y, y se cambia por i antes de añadir ed.
así :

  • presente: radical+y
  • pretérito: radical+ied
  • p.participle: radical+ied
Regular items: 

llorar% to cry% cried% cried
intentar% to try% tried% tried
jugar% to play% played% played
jugar(#precision=aplicar)% to apply% applied% applied
llevar(#precision=transportar)% to carry% carried% carried
purificar% to purify% purified% purified

Exception items: 
#weight=0 decir% to say% said% said #weight=1 pagar% to pay% paid% paid #weight=2 lugar(#precision=poser)% to lay% laid% laid #weight=4 matar% to slay% slew% slain
Column marker: 
Directive label inductor: 
Directive value inductor: 
Columns description: 
Column type: 
Text widget: 
insert text
Column role: 
Ignore case: 
Ignore case if checked
Ignore accent: 
Ignore accent if checked
Ignore white space: 
Ignore white space if checked
Ignore ponctuation: 
Ignore ponctuation if checked
Column type: 
Text widget: 
insert text
Column role: 
Ignore case: 
Ignore case if checked
Ignore accent: 
Ignore accent if checked
Ignore white space: 
Ignore white space if checked
Ignore ponctuation: 
Ignore ponctuation if checked
Column type: 
Text widget: 
insert text
Column role: 
Ignore case: 
Ignore case if checked
Ignore accent: 
Ignore accent if checked
Ignore white space: 
Ignore white space if checked
Ignore ponctuation: 
Ignore ponctuation if checked
Column type: 
Participio pasado(en)
Text widget: 
insert text
Column role: 
Ignore case: 
Ignore case if checked
Ignore accent: 
Ignore accent if checked
Ignore white space: 
Ignore white space if checked
Ignore ponctuation: 
Ignore ponctuation if checked